Leonard Cohen: Rituals of Absence

Musée du Montréal juif | Museum of Jewish Montreal 5220 St. Laurent blvd., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  The Museum of Jewish Montreal is excited to announce the vernissage to launch our year-long exhibit series, Rituals//Fragments at the Museum on Thursday, September 28 at 7:00 PM. The inaugural exhibit, Leonard Cohen: Rituals of Absence, features photographs by Montreal-based artist Morgane CG. Her images document the impromptu memorial...

Miss Mitzvah

Musée du Montréal juif | Museum of Jewish Montreal 5220 St. Laurent blvd., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  Miss Mitzvah is an ongoing interactive installation and storytelling project which explores Bat Mitzvahs and coming-of-age rituals within a consumer-driven culture. Collecting narratives from young women in New York and Montreal through hands-on workshops and interviews, this first installation of the collection at the Museum of Jewish Montreal consists...

1001 lights

Musée du Montréal juif | Museum of Jewish Montreal 5220 St. Laurent blvd., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  Scintillements | 1001 Lights consists of individually documented Shabbat candle-lighting ceremonies playing in syncopation with each other. Forming the crux of the film’s visuals is a fluid hand gesture choreography in response to these individual ceremonies. The 15-minute piece is projected on a loop in the late afternoon and...

Nuit Blanche – Lueur dans la nuit

Musée du Montréal juif | Museum of Jewish Montreal 5220 St. Laurent blvd., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  The Museum of Jewish Montreal presents: Lueur dans la Nuit, in partnership with Nuit blanche, Festival Montréal en lumière, and Téo Taxi. For the fifth year in a row, the Museum of Jewish Montreal is taking part in Nuit Blanche – this year, the Museum is lighting up the...

Moving On

Musée du Montréal juif | Museum of Jewish Montreal 5220 St. Laurent blvd., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  An autobiographical painting series which pulls viewers into a reflective narrative that maps the artist’s story leaving her ultra-Orthodox family and community at 17 to avoid an arranged marriage, her first years in the secular world, and her process of healing and self-discovery through art-making. Moving On | Aller...

MJMxMural – Its’ Complicated by Sara Erenthal

Musée du Montréal juif | Museum of Jewish Montreal 5220 St. Laurent blvd., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  A public mural commissioned by the Museum and created by Sara Erenthal as part of 2018 Mural Festival, which draws on her personal experiences leaving her ultra -Orthodox community while simultaneously bringing a message of resilience, bravery, and female empowerment to the historically Jewish quarter of Plateau-Mont-Royal.  

Honey: Sweet Stories for the New Year

4040 St. Laurent blvd (corner Duluth) 4040 St. Laurent blvd, Montréal, Québec, Canada

The Musée du Montréal juif - Museum of Jewish Montreal, The Wandering Chew, and our partners are excited to announce the second event of our new storytelling series, “Recettes et Récits / Stories of Sustenance.” Embracing the deep connections between food and storytelling, and highlighting at each event a different topic related...